Welcome to Evil OpenArena Clan
Welcome, the Evil|Clan Site relaunched 2019 on a mobile friendly responsive layout. The Evil|Archive still features the old fixed-width Forum template from 2012.
have a nice stay.
I added the L!ve*Clans first year archive on live.evilarena.de in January 2023. I also fixed the Serverlist (again) - you may find it useful.
- Pan!C
Evil|Clan FAQ
(well.. not really
- Is Evil dead?
- The Evil never dies, same counts for Evil|Clan.
- But.. but i heard Evil is dead!
- Why is the Forum gone?
Well, in 2018 came a new european privacy protection law (
GDPR ), which is a really good thing. But while running a Forum, a lot of Data is collected. IP-Addresses, Forum Profile information and many more. I would need to create a Privacy Policy in the language the site uses mainly.. which is english. As you can see. not my native language. It's impossible for me to do this in a proper way. I would need a lawyer and this would be expensive. So i've gone the easy way, removed all personal data and don't collect any. Which also means no Forum.
- Okay.. GDPR and all... Wheres the Privacy Policy??
- What happened between 2010 and 2012?
No Archive?
I left Evil|Clan somewhen 2010. Evil|ObaMa kept the Website up and running
so i have no backups of the Forumposts back then.
in 2011 i founded L!ve Clan (Evil backwarts btw..) together with Kernwasser and Kneipe (Epienk)
later, in 2012, me and a few other people left L!ve Clan because we were upset with the Voting system to let new Players in the Clan..
so we founded Evil|Clan again which went offline in the meantime.
Update (08/2019): ObaMa provided the missing Database entries, the Evil|Archive is complete now!
- Who made the Evil|Clan logo?
- It's made by Toxicity, former co-leader of Evil|Clan. (in 2009)
- Who are you and why do you run this?
- I'm Evil|PaniC.. Leader of the Evil|Clan. I run this to keep a bit history alive.. its a fun project for me. And another reason.. see #1 of this FAQ.